The Sapere Aude Consortium summer internship program is an nine week program focusing on “rising” juniors” interested in financial services, specifically investment and wealth management. The program is primarily for first-generation college students and children of public servants, and is designed to prepare this cohort of students to compete for and gain “rising senior” internships at investment and wealth management firms. The internship is virtual, providing students with flexibility on living arrangements. Sapere Aude will work to provide grants or stipends for each intern.

The program is divided into three segments. First, is a research and writing project that will be accomplished in teams of 4 or 5 interns, creating an Opinion Snapshot on a topic of current significance to the investment and/or wealth management industry, as well as to this generation of students.  We expect this to take approximately 20 hours per week. Second, is an educational component, focused on Personal, Professional and Industry knowledge – with expert faculty from the industry and academia. We expect this segment to take approximately four hours per week. The third segment focuses on one on one time each week with a mentor. Each student will have a mentor who is an experienced professional within the industry to give guidance and to review their participation in the program. The total participation equates to 25 hours per week.

Potential Research Projects

• Sustainable Investing

• Wealth Inequality

• FinTech Disruption

• Financial Literacy

• Cryptocurrency

Industry Education

• Leadership, Personal and Professional Training

• Servant Leadership

• Wellness, self-care and focus

• Presentation skills

• Overview of financial services, focusing on investment and wealth management.

• Where is the money? Institutions, intermediaries, individuals.

• Asset Allocation. Why is it important? Passive/active investing.

• Investments products: Mutual Funds, ETFs, Separate Accounts.

Career Mentorship:
Looking for an Internship

• A Six Step Career Planning Framework: Reach, Target, Safety

• Resume vs. personal statement: what you’ve done vs. who you are

• Available internships – deadlines and how to be organized

• Networking and use of social media (e.g. LinkedIn)

• The role of the career center and alumni

• The Ladder vs. the Monkey Bars: careers are long, and it’s not always straight up

"Dare To Know"